Humanities in Information Society <p>„ჰუმანიტარული მეცნიერებები ინფორმაციულ საზოგადოებაში“, იბეჭდება 2009 წლიდან, როგორც ბსუ-ში ჩატარებული საერთაშორისო კონფერენციების მასალები (2009წ.- პირველი-2 ტ; 2014წ. – 3 ტ; 2018წ. – 2 ტომი, მზადაა დასაბეჭდად); პერიოდულ გამოცემაში იბეჭდება სტატიები შემდეგ სფეროებში: ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა, ლინგვისტიკა, ფილოსოფია, ისტორია, არქეოლოგია, დიგიტალური ჰუმანიტარია, კორპუსლინგვისტიკა, ჟურნალისტიკა და მასობრივი კომუნიკაციები. სამეცნიერო სტატიები დაბეჭდილია ქართულ, ინგლისურ, ფრანგულ, გერმანულ და რუსულ ენებზე. 2022 წლიდან ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის საბჭომ მიიღო გადაწყვეტილება, ამ გამოცემის ყოველწლიურ სამეცნიერო ჟურნალად გადაკეთების შესახებ; </p> Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University en-US Humanities in Information Society 1987-7625 Conflict Coverage and the Role of the Media <p>The coverage of conflicts in the Georgian media is an issue on which critical opinions and appropriate recommendations have been heard from experts for years, however, the fact is that the current situation is thought-provoking.</p> <p>In many cases, apart from rare exceptions, the Georgian media covers events that do not provide a complete picture regarding the conflict regions.</p> <p>The audience does not have full and whole information about what is happening in the occupied regions, what is the attitude of the state or international organizations in relation to these regions.</p> <p>One of the reasons of the problem is that it is not taught as a main subject in higher education institutions, except for rare cases. Consequently, journalists do not have appropriate theoretical and ethical education in case of reporting it.</p> <p>Researching/teaching of peace and conflicts began a systematic form in the second half of the twentieth century. For example, in 1957, the Journal of Conflict Resolution was established at the University of Michigan, and the Center for Research of Conflict was founded in just two years. Also in 1959, the Oslo Peace Research Institute was established, and in 1964 - the Journal of Peace Research. It was during this period that an article on the existence of "positive" and "negative" ideas of peace was written by Johann Galtung, and one of the first articles in peace research, Teaching Peace and Conflict: A Basic Guide to Academics and Interdisciplinarity by Hermann Schmitt. Although the systematic study of peace and conflicts has been active since the second half of the twentieth century, one of the first undergraduate modules in the direction of teaching peace and conflicts was created in 1948, in the United States, at the University of Manchester.</p> <p>The academic discipline of conflict analysis and peace studies is gradually developing in Georgia, therefore, it is very important in this process to correctly assess the role of the media in conflict coverage and to follow the education system of the developed countries of the world.</p> <p>In this process, it is also important to determine the purpose of teaching, in particular, what purpose the research or teaching process serves, what specific problem it aims to critically analyze and solve. What results can be received in the direction of professional growth.</p> Lasha Zarginava Copyright (c) 2022 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 10.48614/his.4.2022.6225 Holistic Theory Of Mass Media Systems. Oligopolization Of Contemporary Media Markets Arkadiusz Lewicki Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 The Influence Of Modern Media Space On The Emotions Of Adolescents Prone To Deviant Behavior (Addicted To Internet Games) <p>Computer media technologies have an active influence on the consciousness of modern society. Internet space and online systems have quickly become defining attributes of reality. oday, human activity in any field is simply unimaginable without the digital world, which can be considered one of the outstanding achievements of modern scientific and technological thinking. Despite the advanced reality, the factors influencing people with computer technology are still at the stage of study. Due to the high rate of development of digital media technologies, constant contact with the computer can form certain forms of computer addiction in adolescents, which can lead to a relapse of emotional activity in older students. The problem of social adjustment of adolescents is relevant because the destructive processes affecting various social spheres have led to an increase in Internet addiction and crime, not only among adults, but also among young people.</p> <p>In this paper, in accordance with tests and psychological research methods, the emotional state of computer-addicted high school students is studied, the problems revealed during the research are presented. Also, it is worth noting the fact that in the conditions of the global covid-19 pandemic, due to the restrictions related to movement, when teenagers had to interact with online technologies more often, we think that the mentioned issue was even more burdened and given a psychological value. According to the results of the test study, medium addiction was detected among teenagers, although some of them had high risk factors for cyber addiction. Research has shown that the increase in the level of dependence on the virtual media environment (mostly in social networks) aggravates the emotional background of the life of senior students. Addiction to computer games can affect the psyche of adolescents. We think it is important that for the formation of mental health and positive emotions of the next generation, in order to reduce the harm of media technologies, appropriate strategies should be drawn up by specialists. The severity and relevance of the issue is analyzed from a psychological point of view. Based on the research, recommendations are presented for high school students, parents, teachers about the prevention of computer addiction.</p> Guranda Shamilishvili Rusudan Ketchakmadze Irakli Abashidze Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 Social Projects In Modern Organizations And The Specifics Of Their Coverage In The Media <p>In the following report "Social projects in modern organizations and their coverage by information channels" on the example of Georgian business institutions, the focus is on the perception of the importance of corporate social responsibility by modern commercial institutions. The examples discussed, clearly show how social projects affect public evaluation.</p> <p>These influences are directly related to the formation of a positive, credible and solid image of the company.</p> <p>The report discusses the modern Georgian commercial sector, comparative analysis, examples in different periods. It will analyze how the approach to corporate social responsibility has changed over the past years. The above examples and research help us to see what impact social responsibility has on the company and its community.</p> <p>The content analysis presented in the report clearly shows the social needs and perspectives in the commercial sector. It is also interesting to see how expands the target areas within social responsibility and is presented in a different context. If in the past it was enough for commercial institutions to take care of only their own profit, today the highest standards are met by taking care of the needs of the society, observing ethical standards, taking care of the environment.</p> Ekaterine Chalaganidze Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2023-03-17 2023-03-17 4 Social Challenges, Academic And Technological Development In The 21st Century - Structural And Educational Transformations Vesselina Valkanova Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 Strategies Of Communications And Structure Of Narrative In The Context Of Instrument On Media <p>In the process of convergence of new media, the theories of long-term impact of media are relevant, which explain the social and cultural changes caused by this impact. It is known that while the media and people tried to fully clarify their relationship, shared functions and roles, informatively fed and nourished each other, a third party got involved in the game - a kind of mixture of media and people. year "New media" with its alternative formulation - online media. Obviously, the new, therefore, online media has adapted well to the nature of the information environment - a combination of cognitive, physical and virtual dimensions, and at the end of the age of "mediocracy", radically changed the emphasis, activated the process of storytelling and narrative production.</p> <p>The dominant nature of the narrative calls for conceptualization. Under the influence of social constructivism, it is gradually becoming more important to study the aspects of messages to society and the formation of stereotypical representations with the appropriate structure. And inspirations from narratives provide a solid foundation for exploring ways in which some components are stronger or more natural than others. This process also highlights the fact that we live with the effects of cultural influences<br>- in modern societies they are sometimes invisible and often dependent on contexts that connect and intersect with other discourses. Today's information platforms have the power to cover almost all areas of communication in the "timeless mental landscape" (Castells, 1987), where the system of symbols and thoughts is the process of getting rid of semiotic influences, and cultural and communicative memory is national cognition and the living past; In the process of transmitting information from generation to generation, various actors emerge from the space of material and spiritual culture, however, the role of narratives is the most important among them and appears as a powerful tool in the process of forming cultural influences.</p> Irma Gabinashvili Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 Hate Speech And Media During The Election Period <p>Hate speech is a challenge for the world in the 21st century because it it is a growing and global problem. In socio-political discussions, hate speech is used openly and in public. Spreading of a hate-filled narrative, willingly or not, is contributed by the mass media. Today, hateful phrases are excessively heard in the form of humiliation, discrimination, threats or in any other forms in almost all media spaces and formats.</p> <p>Hatred, in many cases, is a provoking factor of violence and crime. This crime can be of different types and it can happen in any space: on the street, at school, in the family, in places of employment and even in public services...</p> <p>The perception of hate speech varies depending on the linguistic and national context of individual countries, therefore there is no universal international definition.</p> <p>What makes the fight against hate speech difficult is that it is closely connected to freedom of expression. It is often disputed whether speech is within the limits of freedom of expression or if it goes beyond its scope.</p> <p>Freedom of expression is recognized by all internationally important documents related with human rights. Freedom of speech and expression includes the right to expression of critical opinions, which may be offensive, outrageous or controversial. Hate speech is a problem for any country today, and obviously Georgia is among them. Hate crime threatens democracy, the basic foundation of society and the rule of law, because it "Attacks" the right to dignity and equality of all human beings -the fundamental principle enshrined in the UN Human Rights Act I n the first article of the Universal Declaration.</p> <p>Georgia regulates various forms of violence at the legislative level. There is a "National Violence Prevention Strategy", which expresses the readiness of the state to respond to the challenges that are in today's society and to prevent violence with the participation of various public institutions.</p> <p>The strategy covered current areas of violence prevention: Prevention of violence in the family, school and street with appropriate mechanisms. The same document defines the role of state structures as well as local government and society itself in the prevention of violence, however, the specialists did not say anything about violence peculiarities in political discussion spaces...</p> <p>I think it is very important to continue research in this direction - violence in political discussions, especially - during election campaigns. My interest is connected to these issues. I believe that the results of the research of the social influence of the language of violence in election campaigns will allow specialists to prevent the violence of narrative discourse, which will make the environment - safer, and the society much more democratic and humane.</p> Irina Kurua Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 Re-transformation Of The Polish And Hungarian Media Systems? Changes In Media Policy <p>Since 2010 in Hungary, and since 2015 in Poland, disturbing changes in media policy have been implemented by right-wing governments, with implications for the media’s freedom and pluralism in both countries. The worsening situation is evidenced, inter alia, by reports and studies carried out by international organisations such as Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders. An analysis of the regulations introduced and the actions of government elites consisting in interfering in media markets and public media activities reveals many similarities and common elements of media policy. These changes are so severe and so far, removed from European standards and practices in countries which are so-called full democracies that one has to wonder whether the actions of the Hungarian and Polish authorities are not a sign of another transformation, which this time involves a move from a democratic system towards a quasi-authoritarian one. The present study is based on the political-regulatory perspective; it applies selected criteria of comparative analysis according to the concept of Hallin and Mancini, taking into account additional factors, indicated as necessary by researchers dealing with the media systems of Central and Eastern European countries.</p> Katarzuna Konarska Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 Magazine “Eri“ And Russian Politics <p>On 13 September of 1909 “The secrete group of restoring of Georgian independence” published the political, literary and scientific magazine “Eri”. It had national direction. The editor and publisher was Petre Surguladze. Akaki, Vazha, Kita Abashidze, Al. Proneli (Al. Kifshidze), N.Lortkipanidze, Z. Edili (Edilashvili), A.Shanshiashvili and etc. collaborated in it.</p> <p>The main goal of the magazine was to fight against Russificaion regimen and awakening freedom ideas in Georgian nation.. Each article or letter paid great attention to education and the existing situation in Georgia.</p> <p>The editorial of the magazine speaks about saving Georgian language in the first number. It could not get on with that learning-education was not proceeding in their mother tongue and announced with indignation that: The editorial of the magazine tried to find such ways and means that would facilitate the improvement of education, growing the pupils with sense of national self-consciousness, rising and strengthening the interest and love of anative language.He called up readers to take care of nati ve language. It is gentle creature which needs special attention and help.</p> <p>On 20 October of 1909 after publishing the second number the magazine was closed. And for almost half a year it appeared under different names. Only in 1910, Petre Surguladze was able to restore magazine “Eri”.</p> Maka Dolidze Nargiza Kankia Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 "ClLICKBAIT" Headline, As A Manipulative Strategy <p>The wording of the title is an actual problem in digital media, because it has become necessary to increase it in a new way in modern reality. It is to be investigated to what extent its classification aspects and role have changed in the digital age, what basic load has been preserved in online media from a functional point of view.</p> <p>The use of the method of observation, analysis and comparison allows us to determine changes in the classification of the title, the degree of its applicability in terms of diversity. Also, evaluate the new "function" of the title as a tool of manipulation. To highlight the purpose of the "new feature" - to increase the visibility of the material and the result - the harmful effect on the digital audience. Based on the purpose of the research, we searched for examples of sharp, intriguing Clickbait headlines on informational websites and, using the analysis method, tried to find out the question of their relationship with the texts. Also, the description of the informative and emotional function of the titles, the definition of the author's relationship with the title and the determination of the degree of psychological impact on the society. The presented work allows us to conclude that the official media are facing challenges due to business interests. They use a manipulative headline as a way to make a profit, which ultimately leads to misleading readers and unresponsiveness in the long run. Such an approach has a negative impact on the development of journalism. A media without an audience cannot withstand the competition that technological progress has put in front of it.</p> Mzia Tadumadze Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 Disinformation In Social Networks: Situation And Prospects <p>Disinformation Concept which is distinctly actual in the field of contemporary medial researches is considered in this Work. We also reviewed its role and place in the mass media discourse, in the context of the so called “post-truth epoch” where thresholds between the truth and falsehood are unclear, a degree of unambiguity in the society is still escalating; as for the objective facts they are replaced by subjective assessments and concerns.</p> <p>In this case disinformation is understood as an intended transferring of false information to inflict damage. A misinformed intends to disorient an addressee, and for the purpose of manipulation to make a disinformation effect by means of different linguistic means.</p> <p>We tried to investigate the most typical narratives characteristic for the post-truth epoch.</p> <p>Hypothesis and results of the work are connected with a mechanism of manipulation in the social network that becomes much more destructive when it is “masked” with myths and emotions, changes of the media user’s mood and estranges oneself from the reality.</p> <p>Disinformation is particularly dangerous if it, at a glance, is “lost” in an innocent media flow where it is difficult to differentiate truth from propaganda, with the naked eye. The work, also, describes characteristic features of the so called “information noise”.</p> <p>Disinformation, certainly, is an integral part of the information noise, however its spreading also serves to a definite target, and the noise, as a rule, without any reason and basis, covers the information space and uncontrolled flows cause contamination of the information field.</p> Nino Chalaganidze Natia Kuprashvili Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 The Stereotypes Of Organizing Georgian And American Talk Shows <p>The presented article deals with the extent to which structural stereotypes are protected or violated in Georgian and American talk shows and what are their linguistic features. The object of our research are several American talk shows, including „Meet the Press“, „All in with Chris Hayes“, „The dailt show with Trevor Noah“ and Georgian talk shows "Giorgi Targamadze's Formula", “Politmeter”, “Sanaya”, "Timely Questions", „The highlight of the night” and "Reaction".</p> <p>The research uses the contrastive-descriptive method, on the basis of which we try to answer the questions: what similarities and differences are found in American and Georgian talk shows, both stylistically-structurally and linguistically. Also, what forms of address are used in English and Georgian talk shows? How identical are the greeting block and the opening phrases of the talk show? To what extent do the presenters and guests of the program follow the cultural and mass media stereotypes characteristic of their own countries? Are opponents provoking conflict and insulting each other? Is the dialogue mostly constructive or destructive?</p> <p>In the part of the talk show where the discussion is taking place, the Americans criticize each other, but in the conversation, they maintain the turn-taking, they keep their turn. The Georgian politicians often speak at the same time. It is not easy to discern their future plans, they do not shy away from criticizing their opponents, which often turns into insults, and their statements turn the television studio into a battlefield.</p> Salome Dvalishvili Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 The Mainstream Media Discourse In The First Week Of The Ukrainian War Svetlana Stankova Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4 როცა ცოდნა მოქმედებაზე ბატონობს <p>The article is a narratological analysis of three Georgian feature films dedicated to the GeorgianAbkhaz conflict. The analytical scheme synthesizes the syntagmatic structure of Vladimir Propp and the narrative codes of Roland Barthes. In the article, the author clearly distinguishes between two aspects: the socio-cultural context of traumatic reflection and textual analysis in its own. The main finding of the article is the lack of a final point of equilibrium, the incompleteness of the narrative and the potential for continuation.</p> Khatuna Maisashvili Copyright (c) 2023 Humanities in Information Society 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 4